Day 20

After hearing the speakers in the morning my view of Auroville has changed. I realise that there are a lot of intelligent people hear that do most of the work. I am still very skeptical of the people who move here. Most of them move to Auroville if they don't fit in in their own society and want to try something new.  And I definitely do not believe that this community should be viewed as outside of India, because it is inside India and the resident need to remember that and respect the locals culture.

One Speaker said something and to me, he is bang on.
"Unconsciously Wrong - Consciously Wrong - Consciously  Right - Unconsciously Right "
The people I've seen in India, although they are doing the wrong thing by littering, violence etc. they don't know any better. With education through young generations, kids will grow up knowing the right thing to do.  They will teach their kids and parents the right thing and therefore the next generation won't know any different, hence, unconsciously right.  It's all about getting it into their heads that this is the right thing to do until they don't think about it anymore, they just do it.

Our team split up into groups.  My group visited the Auroville Botanical gardens and a biomass stove company.  The gardens we very beautiful and had a large variety of native and non-native plants.  Some of which I didn't think were a great choice i.e. the eucalyptus tree. Non the less, they had managed to grow beautiful gardens in less then 20years from nothing which is impressive.

The Biomass stove would probably be one of the highlights of the trip. Not only does it incorporate engineering work with sustainability it provides something that people in rural areas really need and will help them.  These stoves use 30% less fuel and produce hardly any smoke. This means that woman in rural communities will have to spend less time looking for fire materials and wont be exposed to as much smoke.  We met the industrial designers who all love working and living in Auroville.  They say that most people that visit Auroville want to work and live there for over a year.  It's an interesting thought, thinking what it would be like to actually live and work in this strange community.

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